Hot takes from the fifth consortium meeting in Rome
IDEA4RC members gathered in Rome on 21 and 22 November for the fifth consortium meeting, which was held at the headquarters of ENG, Engineering Ingegneria Informatica. Now we need data! “Over the last two years we learned how to work together, and found a common language”, said Annalisa Trama, epidemiologist at the National Cancer Institute…
Fifth IDEA4RC plenary meeting
IDEA4RC project members will gather in Rome on November 21-22 for the fifth consortium meeting, hosted by ENG Ingegneria Informatica Spa. The meeting will be the occasion to show demos of the various software components that will constitute the IDEA4RC data space and share the status and next of the data preparation activities. IDEA4RC members…
Hot takes from the fourth consortium meeting in Milan
IDEA4RC members gathered in Milan on 29 and 30 April for the fourth consortium meeting, hosted by the National Cancer Institute. It was the occasion for the various working groups to share updates on their most recent activities, and to validate the first version of the virtual assistant, the software component which will allow IDEA4RC…
Fourth IDEA4RC plenary meeting
The fourth plenary meeting will take place in Milan on 29 and 30 April 2024, at the Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori.
Hot takes from the third consortium meeting in Madrid
As IDEA4RC enters its second year, consortium members gathered in Madrid to discuss the steps ahead and the key milestones for the second year. It was the occasion to start discussing possible governance approaches, functionalities of the virtual assistant, which will allow researchers and clinicians to interact with the data ecosystem, and kick off the…
Third IDEA4RC plenary meeting in Madrid
The third plenary meeting will take place in Madrid on 22 and 23 November 2023, at the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. At the end of the meeting participants will be involved in the scenario validation workshop.
Hot takes from the second consortium meeting in Venice
IDEA4RC members met for the second time on 19 and 20 April 2023 in Venice. It was an opportunity to share the results of active working groups and agree on next steps. The main objective of the first year of the project is the ecosystem conception, and it is carried out by Working Package 2…
Second IDEA4RC plenary meeting in Venice
On the 19 and 20 April, IDEA4RC consortium members will meet in Venice for the first time after the beginning of the project. The meeting will be held in the main building of the Università Ca’ Foscari, in the heart of the city. Participants will convene on Wednesday 19 at lunchtime and the meeting will…
Data management plan
You can download the data management plan here.
Quality plan
This Quality Manual describes the procedures established to fulfill the project’s goals based on a quality-driven framework within which the project will be conducted and implemented. The quality framework incorporates three main dimensions: data quality monitoring, compliance to ethical and legal regulations and technical quality. This document complements the quality provisions foreseen in the Technical…