Hot takes from the fifth consortium meeting in Rome
IDEA4RC members gathered in Rome on 21 and 22 November for the fifth consortium meeting, which was held at the headquarters of ENG, Engineering Ingegneria Informatica. Now we need data! “Over the last two years we learned how to work together, and found a common language”, said Annalisa Trama, epidemiologist at the National Cancer Institute…
How IDEA4RC is contributing to the EURACAN Registry – a webinar for patients
On December 4, 2024, the European Patient Advocacy Groups of the EURACAN network participated in a webinar about IDEA4RC’s contributions to the EURACAN registry. The session featured Annalisa Trama, an epidemiologist at the National Cancer Institute of Milan and the coordinator of both the IDEA4RC project and the EURACAN registry. The EURACAN registry began in…
Unlocking rare cancer data: using large language models to extract information from clinical notes
One of the main objectives of the IDEA4RC project is to develop an algorithm capable of extracting data from clinicians’ notes and pathology or radiology reports stored within the hospital’s information system. Currently, a wealth of information is locked within these texts, which cannot be fully utilized by researchers to uncover more about rare cancers,…
Federated learning in health research: interview with Frank Martin
In building its rare cancers ecosystem, IDEA4RC is following a federated learning approach. This means that the data of each clinical centre participating in a specific research study will not leave the centre. Instead, the results of the analysis on each centre’s data will be communicated to a central server, where they will be combined…
IDEA4RC launches its Community of Interest starting from patients
Since the inception of IDEA4RC, the involvement of a large and diverse group of stakeholders has been deemed crucial for the success of the project. Values and expectations of people who can benefit from the IDEA4RC data ecosystem have been considered through focus groups and interviews, but now, as the platform begins to take shape,…
Hot takes from the fourth consortium meeting in Milan
IDEA4RC members gathered in Milan on 29 and 30 April for the fourth consortium meeting, hosted by the National Cancer Institute. It was the occasion for the various working groups to share updates on their most recent activities, and to validate the first version of the virtual assistant, the software component which will allow IDEA4RC…
EU legal landscape on health data sharing and re-use: interview with Vasiliki Tsiompanidou
In the previous months European institutions have added new pieces to the legal landscape of the Union regarding artificial intelligence, data and health data in particular. The EU is doing so to protect basic human rights while at the same time not hampering innovation and favoring data exploitation to improve European citizens’ quality of life.…
Hot takes from the third consortium meeting in Madrid
As IDEA4RC enters its second year, consortium members gathered in Madrid to discuss the steps ahead and the key milestones for the second year. It was the occasion to start discussing possible governance approaches, functionalities of the virtual assistant, which will allow researchers and clinicians to interact with the data ecosystem, and kick off the…
Hot takes from the second consortium meeting in Venice
IDEA4RC members met for the second time on 19 and 20 April 2023 in Venice. It was an opportunity to share the results of active working groups and agree on next steps. The main objective of the first year of the project is the ecosystem conception, and it is carried out by Working Package 2…
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The communication team just set up the project social media accounts. Please find us on Twitter and LinkedIn to get the latest updates about the project. Follow us also using the hashtag #IDEA4RC.