Intelligent ecosystem to improve
the governance, the sharing,

and the re-use of health data for rare cancers


  • IDEA4RC at RARE2023

    IDEA4RC will be presented in the poster session of the The 5th International Conference on Rare Diseases, which will be held in Budapest on 30 November and 1 December 2023.

  • Hot takes from the third consortium meeting in Madrid

    As IDEA4RC enters its second year, consortium members gathered in Madrid to discuss the steps ahead and the key milestones for the second year. It was the occasion to start discussing possible governance approaches, functionalities of the virtual assistant, which will allow researchers and clinicians to interact with the data ecosystem, and kick off the…

  • Third IDEA4RC plenary meeting in Madrid

    The third plenary meeting will take place in Madrid on 22 and 23 November 2023, at the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. At the end of the meeting participants will be involved in the scenario validation workshop.

  • Metadata Taxonomy

    This deliverable presents quality metadata and the head and neck cancers common data model that will be adopted within IDEA4RC.

  • Data Ecosystem reference architecture

    This deliverable is divided in two parts. The first one contains a state-of-the-art analysis of security and privacy requirements for health data sharing and re-use and a corresponding state-of-the-art analysis of technologies and architectural approaches that can satisfy those requirements. The second part focuses on the IDEA4RC ecosystems and outlines the architectural choices that will…

  • Ethical data governance

    This deliverable offers a first version of the data governance model for the IDEA4RC data ecosystem. It is based on the analysis of the ethical and legal requirements for the secondary use of health data within the European Union, from which a set of guidelines that fulfil the principles of Ethics by Design and by…

  • Data ecosystem value analysis and scenarios

    This deliverable identifies the values and positions of the IDEA4RC stakeholders at the start of the project and traces the steps to follow their evolution in time. Based on starting values and positions it formulated three possible implementation scenario for IDEA4RC.


    Laura López Pérez, biomedical engineer at the Polytechnic University of Madrid in the LifeSTech group, presented IDEA4RC on Friday 15 September during the 2023 Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering (MEDICON’23). This year the conference has been organized together with the International Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering in Bosnia and Herzegovina (CMBEBIH). The…

  • Hot takes from the second consortium meeting in Venice

    IDEA4RC members met for the second time on 19 and 20 April 2023 in Venice. It was an opportunity to share the results of active working groups and agree on next steps. The main objective of the first year of the project is the ecosystem conception, and it is carried out by Working Package 2…

  • IDEA4RC at IFHNOS 2023

    The Internatioanl Federation of Head and Neck Oncologic Societies held its 7th World Congress (IFHNOS 2023) from 21 to 25 June 2023 in Rome. Three members of IDEA4RC took part in it: Annalisa Trama, cancer epidemiologist at Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori and project coordinator, Lisa Licitra, medical oncologist specialized in head and neck cancers at…