On July 16th 2024, Claudia Egher, researcher at Utrectht University, presented the work done so far in IDEA4RC together with Susan van Hees and Wouter Boon during the panel “Unexpected ways of knowledge production. Spaces for co-creation in Research Infrastructures” at the quadrennial joint meeting of the European Association for the Study of Science and…
IDEA4RC launches its Community of Interest starting from patients
Since the inception of IDEA4RC, the involvement of a large and diverse group of stakeholders has been deemed crucial for the success of the project. Values and expectations of people who can benefit from the IDEA4RC data ecosystem have been considered through focus groups and interviews, but now, as the platform begins to take shape,…
Impact of HL7 FHIR in digital healthcare ecosystems for chronic disease management
Reviewing the scientific and gray English literature from 2017 to 2023, the authors ended up with 93 scientific papers on the employment of HL7 FHIR for chronic disease management and 35 HL7 FHIR Implementation Guidelines on the same topic. They concerned primarily cancer (45%) cardiovascular diseases (more than 15%) and diabetes (almost 15%). Articles come…
Hot takes from the fourth consortium meeting in Milan
IDEA4RC members gathered in Milan on 29 and 30 April for the fourth consortium meeting, hosted by the National Cancer Institute. It was the occasion for the various working groups to share updates on their most recent activities, and to validate the first version of the virtual assistant, the software component which will allow IDEA4RC…
Claudia Egher, researcher at Utrecht University, participated in the annual conference of the European forum for Studies on Policies for Research and Innovation (EUSPRI), hosted by the University of Twente. This year focus was “Governing Technology, Research, and Innovation for Better Worlds”. Egher presented the work done so far within the IDEA4RC project in collaboration…
An open-source multilingual LLM for the medical domain
I. García-Ferrero, et al, “MedMT5: An Open-Source Multilingual Text-to-Text LLM for the Medical Domain”, Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024). Full text available here. Abstract Research on language technology for the development of medical applications is currently a hot topic in Natural Language Understanding and…
Pilot data governance
The deliverable “Pilot Data Governance” details the work done so far by the consortium to identify the legal and ethical requirements needed to deploy the pilot projects across the 11 clinical centers involved in IDEA4RC. Pilot projects are case studies which will serve to test the IDEA4RC ecosystem. They will be selected among the research…
EU legal landscape on health data sharing and re-use: interview with Vasiliki Tsiompanidou
In the previous months European institutions have added new pieces to the legal landscape of the Union regarding artificial intelligence, data and health data in particular. The EU is doing so to protect basic human rights while at the same time not hampering innovation and favoring data exploitation to improve European citizens’ quality of life.…
On 27 April 2024, Pablo Parente Arias will present IDEA4RC at the 71th National Congress of the Portuguese Society of Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery (SPORL-CCP).
Fourth IDEA4RC plenary meeting
The fourth plenary meeting will take place in Milan on 29 and 30 April 2024, at the Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori.