IDEA4RC members participated in the 34th Medical Informatics
Europe Conference (MIE 24) that was held in Athens from August 25th to 29th. The theme of the congress was “Digital Health and Informatics Innovations for Sustainable Health Care Systems”.
On August 27th, IDEA4RC partners held the workshop “Towards a European Cancer Minimum Data Model and European Oncology FHIR Implementation Guide in the EHDS”. It was the occasion to share the purpose and first steps of the European Cancer Mission Working Group established by HL7 Europe in January 2024 with the support of IDEA4RC. The goal of the newly created working group is to develop a is intended to define a European Cancer Minimum Data Model.
The working group will leverage the knowledge IDEA4RC researchers are gathering while developing a common data model applicable to two among the ten rare cancer families, head and neck cancers and sarcomas.
During the workshop in Athens, IDEA4RC researchers presented their progress to the medical informatics community at MIE 24 and discussed the next steps in view of emerging policy developments within the European Electronic Health Record Exchange Format and EHDS regulation.
A description of the workshop can be found here.