Intelligent ecosystem to improve
the governance, the sharing,

and the re-use of health data for rare cancers

Quality plan

This Quality Manual describes the procedures established to fulfill the project’s goals based on a quality-driven framework within which the project will be conducted and implemented. The quality framework incorporates three main dimensions: data quality monitoring, compliance to ethical and legal regulations and technical quality.

This document complements the quality provisions foreseen in the Technical Annex I DoA and in the Consortium Agreement (CA) for what concerns project responsibilities, coordination and decision-making. It has the objective to:

  • provide methods, standards and procedures related to:
    • development, verification and maintenance of quality criteria;
    • acceptance and quality control;
    • risk assessment and monitoring;
    • control and recovery actions;
  • advise and assist the project working team(s) in the achievement of high-quality results;
  • plan, organize and perform controls aimed at a permanent and critical assessment of the progress of project activities vis-à-vis the expected results and the project goals.

You can download the quality plan here.